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Clinical Model Principles

Banksia Palliative Care Service Inc.

Clinical Model Principles



  • The uniqueness of each client is central to care provision and guides care planning to ensure it is timely, person-centered, and respects individual wishes and needs.
  • Care is provided according to health promotion principles optimising and
    enhancing community relationships such as family, friends, and significant others.
  • Care is based on collaborative partnerships with primary care providers strengthening relationships and minimising duplication.
  • People will be admitted/re-admitted and discharged as appropriate to their individual need.
  • Although not all people will require the services of all team members interdisciplinary communication ensures the changing care needs are met by the most appropriate team members


  • The process of care includes prioritising referrals, timely ongoing assessment, coordination of the interdisciplinary team, and appropriate discharge and referral to other health or community service providers.
  • The physical, psychological, social, spiritual, and emotional needs of the clients are central to the assessment and care planning process.
  • Advance Care Plan discussions are encouraged to allow client to articulate their values preferences and choices to facilitate a good death.
  • An innovative loss and grief program is available to all clients and their carers.
  • The safety of clients, staff, and volunteers in the community setting is facilitated by clear communication and compliance with Occupational Health & Safety policies.
  • Mandatory clinical supervision for all clinical staff facilitates professional practice, nurtures professional development, and promotes self-care.